Saturday, December 27, 2008

First Blog

This is my very first blog! Actually my son has set it up and hopes that I will eventually be able to do this on my own. Son, you are an optimist!


  1. Yay! Mom's first attempt at blogging. The 3 best pieces of advice I can offer are:

    1. Make stuff up. If you read it on a blog, it has to be true... so you are essentially "creating" the truth.
    2. Be cynical and sarcastic. You won't be taken seriously as a blogger otherwise.
    3. Don't drink and blog. You'll regret the consequences later.

  2. Yay! I'll add you to the blog roll on my web page. Keep posting! (It's addictive)

  3. You have been tagged! You must write seven random/weird/interesting/normal/boring/whatever things about yourself.

